Besides treating crops for increased yield and better quality, VESTA is also good at treating soil-borne diseases. Beneath you can read about some of the diseases, where VESTA has had an incredible influence.




Not treated with VESTA


The pictures show the effects of VESTA on apricots with phytophthora grown in Portugal.

In January 2022 the apricots were heavily attacked by phytophthora and the grower would have removed the trees.

However, at the start of spring the apricots got treated with VESTA and in September 2022 the trees had been saved.


Not treated with VESTA

Treated with VESTA



An onion grower in La Mancha, Spain had in April 2021 huge problems with Fusarium. The grower considered not to intervene and thus he wouldn’t get a harvest this year. Several of the onion plants were already dead. In spite of this, after the onions got treated with VESTA, the spread of Fusarium stopped and at harvest, the yield per box was 8% higher than normal. See pictures from the grower below.

Not treated with VESTA

Treated with VESTA



VESTA also reduces the impact of Armillaria

A USDA study proves that VESTA inhibits Armillaria mellea in vitro and improves productivity of grapevines with root disease. – Click and read the study.